Mr & Mrs Cake Topper - Wedding Cake Topper

What better way to finish off that cake than with a Mr & Mrs Cake topper. You can choose from a wide range of colours all with quick dispatch via Royal Mail.

This cake topper is ideal for a 150mm - 6” - cake and is 3mm to 5mm thick - ⅛” to 3/16” - depending on the colour you choose. 140mm H x 115mm W - 9” x 3.5” including the fixing rod which is 50mm - 2” long.

None of our cake toppers will sink into your cake as they are very light - less than 20grams in total.

Ideal to be used with one of our other cake toppers. Take a look at our other listings below.

TO ORDER Please select a COLOR from the drop down list.

Thank you so much for visiting our Directly Personalised Ltd. Please message us with any questions or special requests!


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